This was announced on February 26th
Hey everyone,
I’d like to announce a new project called ServerDot that’ll be a part of our NextGen Modding tools. This will be an open source generalized server tool for Godot. It’s possible we’ll add support for other game engines after completing Godot’s version. However, for the time being, we’re going to keep it simple and only focus on Godot.
The goal is to allow game developers to integrate this server tool into their own games. This tool will implement the basics of multiplayer networking, but offer extended functionality from other tools such as Foundry which will be an open source workshop tool allowing clients and servers to subscribe to assets and mods.
Additionally, we will eventually provide an API for authenticating clients into a game server securely. We may even make our own service for this, but this will take more time and consideration.
Other than that, here are some other features I’d really like to implement.
- The ability to change full games/scenes and have clients automatically mount/download the content required via our Foundry tool.
- A basic chat system for players.
- Other smaller tools such as a game voting tool for multi-game servers.
We will be adding more features as time goes on and more progression is made.
I will be making a couple games under Godot to show-case these tools that’ll include cross-platform support for the web browser, desktop (Windows, Linux and Mac), and maybe even mobile! Web browser integration will also be added to Best Servers, a future open-source server browser made by us and also our own server browser when the time comes! I’d really like to make a multi-games server hosted by TMC that rotates between different types of games via a voting system along with clients smoothfully downloading the needed assets after connecting to the server. The simple open source games I plan on making to start includes FPS deathmatch and dodgeball.
Progression on this tool will be documented and posted in this forum!